Having a smart, experienced integration team is paramount to the deployment of any new warehouse automation solution.

The installation of an automated warehouse system demands a substantial financial commitment. However, the repercussions of mishandled system integration can escalate costs significantly. You need a team adept at the execution of automated warehouse system integration in order to surpass initial ROI projections.

Bottom line: the value of an automated warehouse system directly corresponds to how well it is integrated into the facility. Well designed plans, developed by professional automation integrators and strategically executed, can provide better results than what you originally forecasted.

A Professional Integration Team is Crucial for Successful Warehouse Automation

The Role of Automation and Robotic System Integrators

Systems integrators play a pivotal role in the design, sourcing, implementation, and maintenance of automated warehouse solutions tailored for distribution centers. Their expertise lies in efficiently linking all components within the system to ensure rapid and seamless process flows. Robotics systems integrators, in particular, serve as the crucial intermediary in orchestrating the integration of various technological elements, facilitating the smooth operation of automated warehouse systems.

But why would you need an integrator when you may already have direct contact with the supplier?  The answer: Expertise and experience.

System integrators go beyond mere equipment installation and integration with existing systems. They conduct a comprehensive analysis of the entire process, spanning from inbound to outbound operations. By taking this holistic approach, they assist in constructing a system that not only addresses the installation of equipment components but also strategically positions your business for scalable growth. They possess the expertise to pinpoint productivity and efficiency challenges that may hinder optimal performance. By addressing these issues, operational metrics are significantly enhanced to ensure maximal ROI, aligning with overarching long-term business objectives.

Integrators experienced with robotics technology develop innovative solutions tailored to tackle the supply chain challenges in warehouses and distribution centers. In today’s landscape, an array of warehouse robotics technologies, including AMRs, AS/RS, ACRs, robotic arms, multi-shuttles, and beyond, are being developed to meet the growing demand. However, it’s imperative for warehouse managers to recognize that a single type of robotic solution won’t suffice to address all operational hurdles effectively.

An experienced robotic systems integrator orchestrates the seamless integration of diverse technologies to deliver comprehensive solutions aimed at enhancing efficiency, space utilization, process optimization, cost reduction, and more.

Challenges Facing Proper System Integration

Often, the biggest hurdle in a system integration isn’t getting all of the material handling equipment to seamlessly work together, but rather the integration with intelligence/software: warehouse control systems (WCS), warehouse management systems (WMS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

Sometimes these computer systems cannot be directly integrated with a new piece of equipment. When these types of problems confound both IT and operations professionals, the resultant lack of a viable solution can be incredibly frustrating.  It’s times like this that illustrate the value of a professional distribution system integrator who provides the foresight to avoid the implementation of a new system that just won’t work with your existing equipment.

Getting System Integration Right

A company’s supply chain is at the core of critical functions such as production, sales, distribution, and finance. Automation serves as a powerful catalyst capable of either fortifying and streamlining the supply chain or disrupting its flow entirely. And automation systems do not operate in isolation; rather, they’re seamlessly combined with various components within a comprehensive solution. They integrate with operational processes, often facilitating their execution, and rely on directives from a central host for task execution and confirmation.

Not only is effective integration crucial for ensuring the interoperability of equipment and software from different suppliers within a unified system, most importantly it supports business objectives designed for growth.  The chief business objective for automation is expediting speed-to-market to uphold the customer promise. Automation serves to align business strategy with distribution center processes, bolstering an organization’s capacity to consistently fulfill its commitments to customers.

Your Next Step

An expert system integrator isn’t just your guide to the perfect automation and robotics solutions for your operation; they’re the guarantee that these solutions will not only work seamlessly in the short-term but also stand the test of time. With their expertise, you’re not just investing; you’re securing a substantial return that leaves all stakeholders delighted.

Feel free to reach out to us for top-notch guidance and assistance!