In the early 80’s while on a mission trip to Honduras, Richard Proudfit heard God say, “If you’ve seen my starving children, feed them.”  This was the birth of the Christian non-profit organization, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC).

Every year millions of children die from preventable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and undernutrition.  Today hunger causes nearly half of the deaths of children under five years old.  It is certainly heartbreaking to think that 6,200 children die each day from undernutrition related causes.

In 1993, with the help of a team of Cargill food scientists and colleagues from General Mills and Pillsbury, a vitamin and mineral fortified rice meal was created and later named MannaPack™.  Volunteers pack these meals at eight permanent locations in Minnesota, Illinois, Texas and Arizona.  In 1994, 2409 volunteers packed 400,000 meals.  This has grown to over a million volunteers packing almost 400,000,000 meals for children in need.

As an organization, FMSC consistently sends more than 91 percent of total donations directly toward feeding kids in need.  This is phenomenal for a non-profit and one of the many reasons we support this valuable organization.

To learn more about Feed My Starving Children and how to get involved, visit their website at